About us

Christian and Marc, "we enjoy having our Labradors around us".
Christian does not remember a moment of his life without having a dog by his side, then transmitting to Marc the same passion and love for these wonderful animals. So during summer of 2015, while we were living in our finca in Spain, we decided to enlarge our family and to look for a new companion of adventure.

Our first Labrador we called Togo: He is a chocolate-colored boy and Togo has a harrowing story as we saved him from an illegal sales place in Catalonia (Spain). The dogs of this place came most probably from illegal reproduction sites in Eastern Europe and were brought to Spain for cheap sales. We took Togo at the age of about two months in the summer of 2015. Only after two days at his new home the tragic struggle to save this small and helpless puppy begun because Togo suffered from a very serious lung infection which resulted difficult to treat. But after so many sacrifices and thanks to the veterinarians of the clinic Togo survives and becomes the first member of our furry family.

After struggling to save Togo from his illness we were looking for a playmate and company. A friend informed us of a litter of black Labradors available nearby, so we decide to get the small female Mali in January 2016. Our two puppies grow happily and we realize that we could not make better choices than finding a playmate for Togo. However, the two companions of adventure are unfortunately to have in common even a fate a bit cruel. At the age of 12 months a mild dysplasia is diagnosed with relative arthritis in the right hip.

After our experiences we realized that many dogs are bred irresponsible - even without controls, without scruples, only to be sold at a low price.

Hence our idea was to create our SECRET RAINBOW Kennel to breed Labs in a responsible way and adapting ourselves to all the regulations of the breeding societies ENCI and the international FCI rules to obtain a healthy and responsible reproduction. Our priority is the health of our dog and its future offspring.

At this begining we want to specialize in the dark yellow color or so-called fox red shade, our first Lab with which will start this path is Wanda-Dakota, officially entered to join our family in the summer of 2016.

Our dogs live with us in our family, they are free and they are not held in kennels, they share the house and our garden of 5000 MQ in the heart of the green Brianza in the north of Italy.

Freedom and movement are not the only things that distinguish the health of our dogs, for us a balanced and healthy diet is of utmost importance, so all members of our furry family feed BARF - a diet based on raw meat and vegetables.
We invite you to follow our story of fox red Labs in Italy. We are one of the first Kennels in Italy specialized in this particular color shade.
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